The Britain branch of JW’s has been afforded significant but
involuntary exposure in the media recently.
This is principally because of the investigation of the Charities Commission
in a congregation in the suburbs of Manchester as well as an investigation into
the Britain Branch of JW’s itself.
If a job is being done well, it normally withstands
scrutiny. For many years, I have noted
the WTBTS’s message and exhortation to brothers and sisters to be make application
of Romans 13:1,2 – “Let every person be
in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by
God….. Therefore, whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the
arrangement of god; those who have taken a stand against it will bring
judgement against themselves.”
A friend of mine sent me some links about the WTBTS of
Britain being in the news. Well, I
thought I couldn’t be shocked anymore!
Probably you are aware of these news items, but here they are for you
just in case….
Victoria Derbyshire TV programme and shunning....
BBC News - JW's let paedophile interrogate victims....
BBC Radio 4 - Sunday programme.
Kathleen Hallisey a lawyer for survivors and Harvey
Grenville, Head of Investigations and Enforcement at the Charity
Commission...... (forward to about 33 minutes).....
What is revealed in these documentaries and news items is
truly shocking and egregious. No
apologies like that offered by the RC Church, the Church of England, and the
Methodist Church. Remember that
exhortation to the rank and file (Romans 13:1,2)?
My assessment….
They have sought to avoid scrutiny rather than withstand it! They have trampled over their own advice based on Romans 13:1,2 and sought to obstruct / frustrate the due process and functioning of the "higher authorities"
The WTBTS of Britain exemplify that which is cold, remote,
focused on and preoccupied with self. It is far far removed from any paradigm
of love which it superficially projects of itself. They are the very ones who demonstrate “having
a form of Godly devotion but proving false to it’s power…” (2 Tim 3:5). No wonder many in Britain are now turning
away as the Bible suggests.
In its most recent yearbook, the WTBTS of Britain reports a
publisher increase of a mere 26 despite just under 3000 being baptised in the same
period. I look forward to what the next
report states.